Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Iceland Yay!

So I have spent the last few days on this random piece of vulcanic rock in the middle of the Atlantic, I am living in Reykjavik with the bunneh and Ace. It is a lot of fun and very chill. Just what I need after the last few weeks at college. I have been watching a lot of movies, gotten hooked on Rome, thanks Ace :P , smoked waterpipe (oh so good after months off), met cool people, been inspired to do a bunch of games and walked around Reykjavik a lot.

Now I am staying awake with the bunneh while she studies for an exam tomorrow. But I am laying in bed and there is a naked pussy against my knees. He's been snaking into my bed every night, he is a nice little heater, not that it is very cold but there is some thing with having the cat underneath the blankets with you. Yes he sleeps underneath the blankets. I have never met a cat like this before.

There have been a lot of interesting political conversations. I never realized how much I missed that. Comparing laws and things we think should change and what is fucked up in this world. And then in the next minute we are joking about something stupid like Benny Lava. Something we had so much of in Flekke and I feel so little of elsewhere. But that might just be me.

In short I am having a great time here.

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